
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gym visit 2 and 3

So I missed posting an update on Tuesday, so this will cover both days.

So Meagan changed up the training plan a bit, so it won't kill me right away. A lot more physical stuff with no machine use.

We started off with 5min of jump rope. I haven't jumped rope in prob. close to 8 years. Ya, it was a rough start, but I got in to a good slow rythem. 5min couldn't come soon enough though. It felt like I had just run a mile. Wasn't fun that's for sure.

So then we started the new circuit training. It consisted of squats using 10Lb weights, 15 pushups, 15 lunges with the same 10Lb weights, Planking, and "mountain climbing steps". It was absolutely NUTS. By the time I was finished the first way though, I hurt all over. And the planking made my back hurt so much. But Meagan was good, and adjusted the number of reps and the amount of time certain exercises were. That's one of the things that I like about having her as my trainer. She actively adjusts the sessions so that I don't die in the middle of them.

After the circuit, we went through some stretches, and then it was the cardio. Was supposed to be 15min on the stair master, and 30min on the treadmill, but I was so exhausted from the work out that I don't think I even managed 8min on the stair master. That is one evil machine. So then I went over to the treadmill, but by this time, I was so tired that I just wanted to go home. I got about 10min on the treadmill before I called it quits and came home.

Wednesday wasn't bad, I was a little sore but it was manageable. Towards the end of the day though, my calves started to tighten up, my feet started to cramp, and my upper arms were tired.

Thursday was even worse. I was limping everywhere. And I started using cubicle walls and door jams to help stretch out my calves. Got a few weird looks from people too.

At the gym, Meagan and I started with some walking on the treadmill. I did my "power walking" at about 4mph, which is pretty speedy. Then we did some stretches, and a couple new ones. When I told her that my calves were sore, she had me try a foam log roll. I started at my ankles, and with a little downward pressure on the foam log, rolled it up my calves. It hurt like hell, but it was one of those hurts that actually feels good. Then we got in to the circuit training again. I found today was a smidge easier than on Tuesday. Who knows why. We did a couple of alternate exercises, some crunches while tossing a medicine ball, and some leg lifts. These were a lot easier on my back than the planking. Hopefully we'll continue doing these for now.

One of the newer exercises that Meagan had me do, was what she called "monster ropes". It was a very long, thick and heavy rope, wrapped around a piece of equipment to keep it steady, and you had to wave it with your arms. Remember in science class using a slinky to make waves when studying sound? Same idea, only on a larger, and heavier scale. While doing this, Meagan and another trainer both commented that I'm very quiet when doing these exercises. Even when I'm exhausted and struggling to finish. I asked if that was a good thing, Meagan laughed and said that it shows I have excellent control. I guess that's good then.

I finished off with that dreaded stairmaster again. This time, I was able to hit the 10min mark. I struggled a little to get to 10min, but I did it. I then finished off with 15min on the treadmill... I think I'm going to bring a pair of headphones with me next time. The treadmills have TV's built in to them, I think next time I'll be able to HEAR the show, instead of making up my own lines that are being said. Its not as fun to make up your own dub when no one else is around to hear it.

So, I'm pretty sore still. My abs aren't too bad, but my upper arms are quite tired. And the cramp in my feet and calves are back. This shall be an interesting weekend as I'm going down to the MIL's place for her 50th birthday with Tabs. Lets hope there's not TOO much moving around...

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