
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TSC/Star Trek weird crossover story thingy...

TrainAss stood over the creature formally known as Darth_Indy. She lay on the ground, just barely keeping herself upright.

"Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" she asked. Her metallic voice filled with static after the damage she sustained.

"Because I don't kill lesser life forms!" TrainAss said with a grin. He watched her as she started to force herself to her knees. Commander Virus leaned over to TrainAss and whispered in to his ear, "Sir, I don't think that was a smart thing to say."

"You know, I think you're right Mr. Pathogen!" TrainAss replied taking a step back. Darth_Indy was now almost standing. Tubes sprung from her shoulder, attaching themselves to her right arm that was being held on by flesh and pulling it back towards her shoulder. Her other arm began to bulge and bubble. Sharp spikes shot through her skin and split open, covering her arm in a dark grey metal. Darth_Indy's left hand began to lose its shape, turning more in to a blade with each passing moment.

Darth_Indy was now at her full height. TrainAss and Virus couldn't help but stare as they slowly backpedaled away from her. Where she once stood at a paltry 5 foot 5, she now stood at well over 6 feet tall, even towering TrainAss, who was 6 foot 3.

"Lesser… Life form?" Darth_Indy said, her eyes no longer human, glowed red and stared hard at TrainAss. "I'll show you, who is a lesser life form!" Darth_Indy jumped towards TrainAss and Virus knocking them over. Virus was the first to his feet as TrainAss rolled to avoid contact with the spinning saw blade that used to be Darth's left hand.

"Sir, I think we'd better get our asses out of here!" Virus said as he ducks to avoid losing his head to Darth's saw hand while helping TrainAss to his feet.

"Well, those of us that HAVE asses, I couldn't agree more!" TrainAss replied tapping his combadge. "Transporter room, get us the fuck out of here NOW!"

TrainAss and Virus both start running for a cave, hoping that they can make it inside before becoming a pile of bloody mush. Virus turned his head around to find that Darth_Indy has now increased in height by another 2 feet and is quickly gaining on them.

"If we die here, I'm going to make sure you come back as a piece of Klingon toilet paper!" Virus says as he picks up speed.

Just as the spinning saw blade is about to come down on TrainAss' head, the scenery around both Virus and TrainAss begins to brighten and shimmer, and the familiar whine of the transporter gets louder, until all they can see is a brilliant white light which begins to fade as the transporter room aboard the USS. Hawk begins to materialize around them.

"OWA, get us away from this planet as fast as you can! I don't care where, just go!" Virus says and looks at TrainAss. "You and I need to have a little chat." Virus growls at TrainAss as he leaves the transporter room, TrainAss following closely behind.

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